Love is Like Oatmeal
In a few days time, the chapter of my life that is full-time study at Carey will draw to a close. To be honest, that's too gentle a phrase. Perhaps it's more accurate to say that it'll screech to a halt. Suddenly the routines that I know and love--the day-to-day classes, books, community lunches, and hallway conversations--will be gone. My time spent studying and learning and growing and relating has built me up in so many ways over the last three years, and I have been transformed for the better. Yet that transformation wasn’t due to my own striving or efforts, but due to the holy gift of genuine relationship with you all, and the grace of an unyieldingly faithful God.
I'm filled with gratitude for the Carey community, and am hopeful for the way God is working in and through every one of us. Look after yourselves in these final days and know how deeply and genuinely loved you are.
"Love is like oatmeal: it sustains you." - Captain Holt (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Over and out,