CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 15

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 15

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Maintaining Balance

A few weeks ago, for Not-At-All-General Formation group I had planned for us to consider liturgical prayers about ordinary things like making a cup of tea, looking out the window at the sky, getting dressed, the feel of walking on grass barefoot. That kind of thing.  

When I arrived at work that particular morning I was feeling really stretched, my brain was foggy, I felt physically tense and just unable to pin down my thoughts. I was experiencing that elusive, impossible to grasp, but so concretely real feeling of Overwhelm. So, when I got to Completely-Non-General Formation Group the following prayer was what I wrote. The picture shows the raw version, scrawled in pink felt-tip on scraps of re-used paper (if you want a typed copy, flick me an email).  

I have revisited this prayer a few times, and offered it to others too. Right now you may be feeling overwhelmed—the end of the academic year brings so much pressure. I pray that this prayer may be a blessing to you, may it remind you to stop, breathe, and surrender to God, and may it allow you to be overwhelmed only by God’s love and peace. 

With love, 


IMPORTANT End of Semester Message

With the semester one coming to a close, please note the following:

  • Semester one ends Friday, 18 November.
  • All final assessments must be submitted to CareyOnline by 18 November.

Assessment extensions must be submitted and approved by the Academic Registrar prior to due dates.

Please complete an Application for Extension to Complete Assement and email it to Neroli on The end of semester and marking timeframes outlined below constrain what is possible around any approved extensions. It is critical that you talk to Neroli if you are unable to meet the 18 November assessment submission timeframe!

Semester two results will be released on CareyOnline on Friday, 2 December. Your Student Portal gives you access to your final course grades. If you require an actual transcript please also connect with Neroli Hollis.

Karakia Wrapped up for the Year

This week we had our last weekly karakia until semester one 2023. What a wonderful time the third-year PLs curated for us, and what a fantastic year we had contemplating te rongopai, the good news. If you missed this last karakia, or want to experience it again, check out the video recording.

We look forward to reconnecting during our weekly karakia next year!

Monday Classes, Last Community Lunch

Next week, only Monday lectures are taking place, as a catch-up for the Labour Day holiday. 

Also, Julie is preparing lunch for Monday, which will be the last community lunch of the semester.

Re-enrolment for '23 and New Timetable

You will receive a link via the Student Portal by the end of the semester to enrol for 2023. If you have any questions, please check with Neroli.

Also, we have published the 2023 timetable on our website, so be sure to check that out.

The Library

As always, stop by and see the amazing library staff anytime during regular hours. As you work away on your last assignments remember it’s always good to take a break! For the next two weeks the library will offer a space to chill, have a bite and refresh in the midst of the work! Library hours remain the same:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

Online Open Evening

Got a friend who would love Carey? Or a family member? Do you know someone at your church who would thrive here? Invite them along to our Online Open Evening at 7.30-8.30pm Tuesday, 8 November.

And just like last time, there will be a $50 cinema voucher for one lucky person who brings along a friend--just make sure they list your name at registration.