CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 9

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 9

Student Communication -

Back to Classes

We know you weren't just playing and taking naps over the last few weeks. You were working hard, grinding out assignments, putting in the hours reading and studying. But hopefully you did have a bit of rest, and hopefully the change of pace has reinvigorated you to finish the semester strong. As we enter the final weeks of the semester, know that you have support here at Carey. We believe in you!

Public Holiday Monday, 26 September

Monday 26th is now a public holiday (QEII Memorial Day). Monday classes for that day are being rescheduled to fit in with student and teaching team availability. Please check your CareyOnline course for information and details for MB521 Thinking Theologically, MS6/705 Christian Spirituality, and MB6/738 Revelation. If you have any queries please get in touch with your lecturer.

Community Lunch and Karakia are Back!

Community lunch starts back next Tuesday, 27 September, along with our weekly chapel. We look forward to connecting back over kai and karakia, so come along to chapel Tuesday at 11.15am and lunch immediately following!

Focus Groups

Most of you will have received an email requesting your feedback in one of our upcoming student focus groups. As part of our ongoing desire to improve our programmes and services at Carey Baptist College, we try to bring together students in annual focus groups to ask you how you are finding study here and what ideas you might have for how things could be even better. Focus groups are available for the following qualification cohort groups:

Grad Dip Level 7: Thursday, 29 September (12-1pm) 
Certificate and Diploma Level 5: Monday, 3 October (1.30-2.30pm) 
Bachelor’s: Wednesday, 5 October (12.15-1.15pm) 
Postgraduates: Thursday 6 October (1.30-2.30pm) 

If you are working on one of the above qualifications and would like to participate, just complete this brief form and sign up for the focus group for your programme. Food will be provided for on-site attendees!

Sign up for a Focus Group

Open Day 4 October

Got a friend who would love Carey? Or a family member? Do you know someone at your church who would thrive here? Invite them along to our Open Day on Tuesday, 4 October.

And in case you thought we were joking about the prize for bringing a friend along, we were most definitely NOT. Or, if you thought the prize wouldn't be amazing...false!

A $50 voucher to the cinema (it's actually the one in the picture above) might be yours if you get a friend to come to Open Day. The only question now is, "What size popcorn you will get?"

Library News

The library staff are looking forward to campus buzzing again, and they are always keen to assist you.

Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

Planning to Graduate in 2023?

If you have completed a qualification this year or plan to have done so by the end of the year, please complete an Application to Graduate 2023 form on CareyOnline.