Staffing changes in 2023

Staffing changes in 2023

by Rob Ayres -
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Kia ora, 
I hope you’ve enjoyed your study break, and that it’s been both fruitful and restful. I’m writing to let you know that two of our teaching team will be retiring from their roles at the end of this year. 

Dr George Wieland
After 23 years at Carey, George has decided it’s time to retire from his role as Director of Mission Research and Formation. Since arriving from Scotland in December 1999, George has made a massive contribution to the Carey community, first as Lecturer in New Testament and then as Director of Mission Research and Formation. George is a brilliant scholar, a gifted teacher, a compelling preacher, a wise mentor, an insightful missiologist, and a deeply loved colleague. Over the last generation, George has been at the heart of some of the most significant developments at Carey. George writes:

It has been one of the great privileges of my life to be part of the unique Carey community. I have been able to grow and contribute in the context of rich relationships and shared purpose both within Carey and amongst Carey’s many partners in the worlds of church, mission and education. Over the past five years, since Jo and I moved to Pāpāmoa to share a home with extended family, I have been commuting between there and Tāmaki Makaurau, spending most of the working week at Carey and weekends with the family. I feel that it is time to redress the balance and be more permanently based with the family in Pāpāmoa. I leave with deep gratitude for this faithful, loving and courageous community and joyful anticipation of how Te Kareti Iriiri o Carey will continue to develop and serve in this exciting new season.

Dr Sarah Harris
Sarah has also recognised the time has come to step back from permanent full-time teaching position. Sarah has been at Carey since 2012, and during that time has made a very significant contribution. She has taught the New Testament with conviction, passion, energy, and flair. Sarah is an outstanding teacher, scholar, and mentor, who loves Jesus, the scriptures, and the church. We will miss her regular presence on campus. For her part, though, Sarah will not miss the weekly commute from Whanganui to Auckland! She writes:

Ever since the birth of our wee grandson in November 2020, Craig and I have realised that we are entering a new season of life. While loving my job at Carey so much, we sense it is time for me to stop working fulltime and travelling most weeks. I will miss seeing you all each week. You have helped me grow and you have all been so encouraging to me. I really appreciate you all.

Towards the end of this year the Carey staff team will be celebrating and thanking George and Sarah for their wonderful ministry among us all.

New appointments

In the coming few days we will also be announcing two new appointments to the Carey faculty. We’re very excited about the way in which the Lord has gone ahead of us, providing the perfect successors for George and Sarah. I’m very confident these two new lecturers, with their deep love for Jesus, the church, and mission, will continue the rich tradition at Carey of scholarship and teaching that integrates faith, context and practice in a way that is truly transformational. I’ll be in touch again soon with more news.

Kia tau te aroha noa. Grace be with you. 
John Tucker