CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 3

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 3

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God's Healing Power

Last Saturday, my wife and I had the privilege of attending the inaugural Release the Healers gathering in Auckland. Approximately four hundred people were in attendance. Looking around we realised that the lion’s share of attendees would have been well over fifty. A friend thought this might reflect that the younger generations haven’t really seen an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lifetimes, whereas many of us oldies have and are desperate for more.

Chris Gore’s messages were refreshingly simple, God-honouring, bible-based, and faith-building. He was totally confident that God would work wonders in this meeting. Scores of people testified to being miraculously healed. A longstanding friend of ours experienced two specific physical healings! This all happened in a church not more than 10 minutes away from Carey in the past week.

What happens inside you when you read these words? Could this be the beginning of a new move of God that will break through the prevailing cloud of disillusionment and reach the nation? Why not jump online and find out where the next Release the Healers gathering is going to be held?



If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and have a suitable reason, you can request an extension. Please contact Neroli Hollis, and complete an Application for Extension form.

Community Lunches (and Student Duties)

Come along on Monday at 12.15pm and Tuesday at 12pm for amazing kai and whakawhanaungatanga.

And don't forget the set-up and clean-up duties for the term. The following classes are set to help this week:





 Thinking Theologically 


 Gen. Formation 


Weekly Karakia and Mission Week

Next week, Carey will be emphasising what it means to be bearers of the good news in the world. We will be highlighting mission partners throughout the week and also hearing from guests who serve the church through mission. Learn more about our mission focus next week!

As part of our emphasis on mission this week, William HC from Pakuranga Chinese Baptist Church will be sharing with us during our weekly karakia this Tuesday. Join us in the chapel or join us via Zoom for worship together.

Meeting ID: 924 5851 4246.

We can't wait to see you!

Carey T-shirt Design Competition

Carey is getting some new t-shirts made up, and you have a chance to design them! The winner will get a free t-shirt and will likely become the coolest person on campus.

To submit your design, simply download the template below, get creative with it, and submit it to Nicola Mountfort by 22 August. Email it to her or drop-off a hard copy at her office. Easy as!

Download T-shirt Design Template

Time Management Workshop

On Monday, 15 August at 1.15pm we will be holding a Time Management workshop in Te Whare Oranga. So for any of you procrastinators out there, this is for you! Mark it in your diaries!

If you are a distance student join via Zoom.

Library News

As a reminder, all new students are required to complete the First Steps course on CareyOnline. If you need help or have any questions, contact the wonderful Library staff.

Library hours:
Monday through Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

And, the languages for last week's Bible competition were Te Reo Māori
and Gujirati.

Your Peer Writing Assistants

Did you know that Carey has a peer-based, academic-writing support programme? We have three new Peer Writing Assistants for 2022, who have volunteered their time to work with students to help them with academic writing and literacy. Thank you Jacqui, Grace, and Joy (left to right in photo) for helping offer this support.

To book a 25-50-minute session, contact the Library with the following details:

  • Your name and student ID number
  • Which assessment you are focussing on (course, assessment outline), and briefly identify what aspect of the assessment you would like help with.
  • Whether you want a 25-minute or 50-minute slot (in-person, via Zoom, or email).

Code of Pastoral Care

The NZQA has set out roles and responsibilities for schools like Carey to support your wellbeing, development, and educational achievement. The code exists to make sure you have the best possible support system while you study here so you will be:

  • Safe (physically and mentally)
  • Respected for who you are
  • Supported in your learning and wellbeing
  • Connected with your social and cultural networks
  • Able to have your say in decisions about services
Learn more about the Code of Pastoral Care.