Mission Focus Week (15-19 August)

Mission Focus Week (15-19 August)

Rob Ayres -

Kia ora tatou, 
What does it mean to be bearers of good news in the world? That question is never far below the surface at Carey but next week (15-19 August) there are some additional helps and hints to keep our focus on God, God’s world and our participation in what God is doing.

Look out for daily posts on Carey’s facebook page, provided by some of our mission partners.
Call in to the Library and see what our librarians are doing to catalyze mission learning.
Come to chapel for Tuesday karakia and hear from Pastor William HC of Pakuranga Chinese Baptist Church, a living example of the Chinese diaspora serving the church and mission in Aotearoa.

On Wednesday afternoon if you’re not in another class, sit in on Mission of God (LR2), 13.0-4.00pm and hear from Kiwi mission legend Craig Greenfield. Craig Greenfield Craig lives and serves in Cambodia with his wife Nay, is founder and director of the international grassroots youth movement Alongsiders, and writes and blogs on life, discipleship, mission and church. His latest book is Subversive Mission: serving as outsiders in a world of need. He’ll be tackling head-on the issue many of us face of having a heart for the world but feeling encumbered by the baggage of “missions”.    

For those of you who were really looking forward to a special mission lunch on Wednesday prepared by some of our Chinese students, sorry! There are just too many of us, both staff and students, who are unwell at the moment to go ahead with that. We’ll look for other  opportunities.