CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 13

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 13

by Student Communication -
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The Message of Hope

Growing up in a Christian family has meant that I don’t remember being told the Gospel for the first time. It’s something I’ve just grown up always knowing. But doing Morgan’s exercise at Chapel last week was such a great opportunity to think about how my understanding of the gospel has developed. At its core, the gospel to me has always been the message of Hope. Knowing that I was created by a God who loves me encourages and motivates how I live my life. The hope that the more I learn about who God is, and let that grow and shape me, the more I will become the person I was created to be.


I am fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who loves

a God who created the entire cosmos out of love

a God who gifted a world of wonder and beauty out of love

a God who gives endlessly and tirelessly out of love

a God who made the ultimate sacrifice out of love

a God who forgives continually out of love

a God who equips, restores, and provides out of love

a God who is steadfast and unwavering out of love

a God who is present, now and always, out of love


because of God’s love for me, I can be more

I will look for light in the darkness because God loves me

I will trust even when I don’t understand because God loves me

I will seek to love others because God loves me

I will care for plight of our environment because God loves me

I will fight for issues of injustice because God loves me

I will speak out against evil because God loves me

I will search for truth and understanding because God loves me

I will share this message of hope because God loves me.

Anna Schroeder

Working on those Final Assessments?

Have you looked at teacher feedback from previous assessments on CareyOnline?
Have you used the resources on the 10 Essentials?
Have you talked to the library team about how to find good resources?
Have you used the referencing guides?
Have you used a Peer Writing Assistant?
Have you talked with the Paihere Student Support team?

Our student support team are here to help you move that B to an A or that C to a B! Talk to us!

We also want to thank all of you who completed course evaluations. The teaching team will be providing feedback in classes over the next couple weeks, and summaries will also be posted to CareyOnline.

Campus Closed for Queen's Birthday

Campus (and the Library) will be closed Monday, 6 June in observance of Queen's Birthday. Enjoy the long weekend! 

Weekly Karakia Tuesday 11.15am

We had a special time this past week creating a collaborative, artistic reflection of what God was showing us during our karakia together (see photo above). Thanks to Nicola for organising that!

Remember there is a new link for the duration of the semester: Meeting ID: 989 8833 3139. Join via Zoom.

Looking forward to worshipping together again on Tuesday!

Join on Zoom

Community Lunch

Come along for great food and time to connect Monday and Tuesday this week. Julie has another stellar menu prepared for us, and you won't want to miss it! 

Online Open Evening

Got a friend who would love Carey? Or a family member? Do you know someone at your church who would thrive here? Invite them along to our Online Open Evening at 7.30pm Tuesday, 14 June.

Life and ministry with people on the margins

Carey Conversations seek to demonstrate how the Bible and theology can speak to the complex issues facing the church today. The next conversation takes place next week and features Bob and Gracie Ekbald, founders of Tierra Nueva (New Earth) in Washington, a ministry that seeks liberation and transformation. 

Bob and Gracie have a deep sense of call to live and minister with people whom mainstream society excludes--migrants, prisoners, addicts, gang members. All of us who long for a more authentic participation in Jesus’ ministry of love, justice and liberation will be inspired as we explore with Bob and Gracie what they have learned as they have followed Jesus to the margins. Learn more about this Carey Conversation on our website.

When: 9 June
Where: Carey Baptist College
  • 7.30pm Mihi 
  • 7.45pm Interview with Bob and Gracie Ekbald
  • 8.30pm Q+A
Register Now

Library News - Book Sale!

Did you know the Library is selling some books? And, did we mention they are super cheap--$1 each?! Pop into the Library, and check out the trolley and table near the reference collection.

Also, the Library will be closed Monday, 6 June for Queen's Birthday. Otherwise, Library hours are back to normal:

Tuesday–Thursday: 8.30am–6.30pm
Friday: 9am–5pm
Saturday: 10am–12.30pm

On-site Photoshoots

We've had representatives from Render Creative around campus previously taking photos and video to help promote Carey. Render will be around for a few days, and we'd love your help with student testimonials.

If you want to be recorded sharing how Carey has been a part of your transformation, let us know!

Photoshoots and recording sessions will take place the following days:

Monday, 13 June
Monday, 20 June