Carey Weekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 12

Carey Weekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 12

by Student Communication -
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The Dignity of the Ascension

Course Evaluations

Course evaluations are open for the following courses:

  • Introduction to New Testament
  • Gospels: John
  • Exploring God’s Word
  • Poverty Transformation and the Gospel
  • Humanity and Hope
  • Insights into Church History
  • Missional Leadership

You will find the link to the evaluations in your respective Course Announcements forum. Surveys close Tuesday, 31 May, so please make completing these a priority.

Community Lunch

Come along for great food and time to connect Monday and Tuesday this week. Julie has another stellar menu prepared for us, and you won't want to miss it! 

Weekly Karakia Tuesday 11.15am

Our karakia this week will feature an activity to reflect individually as we connect on-site and via Zoom. If you are connecting through Zoom, please bring along a piece of white paper (A4, plain white preferred) and a black crayon or marker. On-site students will have materials supplied.

Remember there is a new link for the duration of the semester: Meeting ID: 989 8833 3139. Join via Zoom.

See you Tuesday!

Join on Zoom

Life and ministry with people on the margins

Carey Conversations seek to demonstrate how the Bible and theology can speak to the complex issues facing the church today. The next conversation takes place in a couple weeks and features Bob and Gracie Ekbald, founders of Tierra Nueva (New Earth) in Washington, a ministry that seeks liberation and transformation. 

Bob and Gracie have a deep sense of call to live and minister with people whom mainstream society excludes--migrants, prisoners, addicts, gang members. All of us who long for a more authentic participation in Jesus’ ministry of love, justice, and liberation will be inspired as we explore with Bob and Gracie what they have learned as they have followed Jesus to the margins. Learn more about this Carey Conversation on our website.

When: Thursday, 9 June
Where: Carey Baptist College
  • 7.30pm Mihi 
  • 7.45pm Interview with Bob and Gracie Ekbald
  • 8.30pm Q+A
Register Now

A Library Resource You Need

Have you used the Referencing Cheat Sheet yet? It shows you footnote and bibliography examples for most resources you cite in your assessments. Referencing a commentary? A journal article? Book with two or more authors? This resource has it all in an easy-to-read format. Check it out, along with the rest of the 10 Essentials on CareyOnline!

Also, a reminder of the normal Library hours:

Monday–Thursday: 8.30am–6.30pm
Friday: 9am–5pm
Saturday: 10am–12.30pm

On-site Photoshoots

We've had representatives from Render Creative around campus previously taking photos and video to help promote Carey. Render will be around for a few days, and we'd love your help with student testimonials.

If you want to be recorded sharing how Carey has been a part of your transformation, let us know!

Photoshoots and recording sessions will take place the following days:

Tuesday, 31 May
Monday, 13 June
Monday, 20 June