CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 11

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 11

Student Communication -


Is “uncertainty” a word that describes part of your experience these days? I find the disruption of these last two years has introduced the unpredictable in ways that can be unsettling and “uncertain."

In times like this, I find the image of "journey" in the Christian life to be helpful.

Journeys involve movement, twists and turns, interruptions and delays, and, if you’re like me, you might even get lost from time to time.

God called Abram onto a journey with the words, “leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you." No specific address, timeline, day planner, or anything…just go on a journey.

What did Abram know for sure?

  • I will bless you
  • You will be a blessing
Leaving our comfort and journeying with God can be filled with uncertainty. I am praying for all of us who feel unsettled and uncertain today. May the Lord who loves taking us on a journey, remind us of what we can know for sure and allow us a trusting rest in the promises he has made.


Course Evaluations

Please be aware that that from next Monday, 23 May course evaluations will be open for the following courses:

  • Introduction to New Testament
  • Gospels:John
  • Exploring God’s Word
  • Poverty Transformation and the Gospel
  • Humanity and Hope
  • Insights into Church History
  • Missional Leadership

You will find the link to the evaluations in your respective Course Announcements forum. Surveys will close 31 May, so please make completing these a priority.

Community Lunch

A reminder that lunches are back on for Mondays and Tuesdays, and we are loving how Julie is spoiling us! Come along for great food and time to connect, and don't forget to fill in all the empty spots to help serve and tidy up. The sign-up sheet is on the wall in the whare kai. 

Weekly Karakia Tuesday, 11.15am

We are getting into a rhythm with the new karakia format that merges our distance and on-site students as we worship together. This week, we will be welcoming Open Day attendees to karakia, so be sure to welcome new faces you see

If you plan to join our Zoom call, please note there is a new link for the duration of the semester: Meeting ID: 989 8833 3139. Join via Zoom.

See you Tuesday!

NEW Chapel Zoom Link

Open Day This Tuesday, 24 May

Got a friend who would love Carey? Or a family member? Do you know someone at your church who would thrive here? Invite them along to our Open Day this week.

If you bring along a friend, make sure they register online and include your name when asked how they heard about Open Day. Who knows? Maybe you will win the prize draw for those who bring along a friend.

Postgrads, the Library Wants to Help!

Are you a postgrad student? If so, are there any areas regarding your academic studies that you want to improve on?

Would you like help with eferencing, advanced searching, formatting, journal article retrieval, requesting interloans, research skills, or using the archives for research? We are keen to help.

Please take time to fill in this short survey so we can know how best to support your studies.

Also, a reminder that the Library hours are back to normal:

Monday–Thursday: 8.30am–6.30pm
Friday: 9am–5pm
Saturday: 10am–12.30pm

On-site Photoshoots

We've had representatives from Render Creative around campus previously taking photos and video to help promote Carey. Render will be around for a few days, and we'd love your help with student testimonials.

If you want to be recorded sharing how Carey has been a part of your transformation, let us know!

Photoshoots and recording sessions will take place the following days:

Tuesday, 31 May
Monday, 13 June
Monday, 20 June