S2 Week 15 @ Carey

S2 Week 15 @ Carey

Student Communication -

A New Work

As the sun begins to set for many of you in this academic year, it has just started to rise again for me.

I have just returned from six months maternity leave. A friend shared some beautifully encouraging words with me this week, that whilst I am not starting a new job, I am coming back to a familiar space as a different person.

These words have sat with me all week, and have reminded me of the way that God is continually doing a "new work" in us as we move in familiar places--how all of a sudden we turn around and look at where we have just walked, realising that we are no longer the same person as when we started the journey.

2 Corinthians 3:18
And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.


Semester Two Ends 19 November

Please note that ALL assignments submitted by this date UNLESS you have organised an approved extension with Neroli.

Campus Remains Closed

Carey’s current Alert Level 3 arrangements continue to be in place, and campus remains closed to staff and students.

If you need additional support please do not hesitate to contact your teachers or any of the support staff. If you are struggling with assessment timelines please contact your teacher and/or Neroli. Do this sooner rather than later so we can work with you.

Graduation 2022

If you have completed a qualification this year you need to complete the Application to Graduate.

Re-enrolment for 2022--Online Process

We are moving to a fully online re-enrolment process and hope to send you an update on how that will work next week. Watch your inbox for details! If you have any questions get in touch with Neroli.

New Branding, Same Calling

Our brand has changed a bit, but what we’re passionate about hasn’t--serving the church by equipping people to bring gospel renewal in their churches and communities. 

If you haven't already, take a look around the new website and pass it on to a friend!


If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis and complete an Application for Extension form.

Click and Collect and Locker Keys

While the Library remains closed during Level 3, click and collect is available from 10am-1pm, Monday to Saturday. Please be in touch if you need any resources to support your studies. 

Also, if you have one, be sure to return locker keys to the Library

No More Chapels

Sadly, last week was our last chapel of the term. But while we can't see each other face-to-face, prayers and encouragement are with you as you finish your last assignments.