S2 Week 14 @ Carey

S2 Week 14 @ Carey

by Student Communication -
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A Prayer of Hope

Today I am struggling with the relentlessness of lockdown and the sense of disconnection it brings. So instead of sharing a story or words of great wisdom, I am gazing at God’s good creation and praying this hope-filled prayer for you and me. It is borrowed gratefully from cartoonist Michael Leunig.

"Dear God,

We celebrate Spring’s returning and the rejuvenation of the natural world. Let us be moved by this vast and gentle insistence that goodness shall return, that warmth and life shall succeed, and help us to understand our place within this miracle. Let us see that as bird now builds its nest, bravely, with bits and pieces, so we must build human faith. It is our simple duty; it is the highest art; it is our natural and vital role within the miracle of spring: the creation of faith. Amen."


Chapel Tuesday 2 November

Chapel is going to be a special time this week with our third year Pastoral Leadership students sharing with us. This will also be our last chapel of the semester, so be sure not to miss it!

Join us on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 941 1491 6933

Semester Two Ends 19 November

Please note that ALL assignments submitted by this date UNLESS you have organised an approved extension with Neroli.

Campus Remains Closed

Carey’s current Alert Level 3 arrangements continue to be in place, and campus remains closed to staff and students. The remainder of classes for semester two will continue to be facilitated fully online.

If you need additional support please do not hesitate to contact your teachers or any of the support staff. If you are struggling with assessment timelines please contact your teacher and/or Neroli. Do this sooner rather than later so we can work with you.

Carey Website Update--New Brand!

We are excited to roll out our new Carey branding next week and have been hard at work preparing our website to reflect these changes. It's been a months-long process, and is nearly ready to be unveiled. In order to transition from our current website to the new one, we will need a brief window of time to make the changeover. 

As a result, carey.ac.nz will be unavailable between 10am and 3pm Tuesday, 2 November.

However, students can still access the Library and CareyOnline.



If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis and complete an Application for Extension form.

Feedback on Course Evaluations Posted

Feedback from courses that were evaluated should have been posted in your CareyOnline courses by your teachers. Thank you for your comments and thoughts, your feedback helps us to things better!

Welfare and Wellbeing Support

We continue to remind staff, students, and friends of the college that physical and mental wellbeing is important, and can be supported through accessing a range of resources.

The Government has compiled a list of services and support for physical and mental health, financial needs, and other support.

Click and Collect and Locker Keys

While the library remains closed during Level 3, click and collect is available from 10am-1pm, Monday to Saturday. Please be in touch if you need any resources to support your studies. 

Also, if you have one, be sure to return locker keys to the Library