Pass the Peace
“Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord…” 1 Thess. 5:12
This week Charles Hewlett was vulnerable with us at chapel. “This is an incredibly difficult time to be leading. Those we serve as leaders can be so hurtful, and never more so than in these anxious and divided times.”
This week I have spoken to a dozen different pastoral leaders up and down the country. They are all saying the same thing, and many of them are hurting. The weight they feel in helping their churches navigate life and love during these times is overwhelming for some of them. Maybe your pastor is hurting right now under the weight. Maybe they need you to acknowledge them, and to encourage them in their care for you.
This week our third-year pastoral leadership students were joined by six visiting pastors. The pastors were awesome, but they all talked about the cost of leadership: loneliness, the need for grit, the impossibilities, discrimination, unrealistic expectations, and navigating vulnerability. I love these pastors. They are people like you and me who are bravely serving people like you and me. I encourage you to reach out to your pastor today and “pass the Peace” to them.
The peace of the Lord be with you.