S2 Week 9 @ Carey

S2 Week 9 @ Carey

by Student Communication -
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As Matt and I have been trying to work and parent while in lockdown, there are a lot of moments when I feel like I am at my wits’ end (especially when our two-year-old decides to stop napping, and we also decide to start potty-training him (I know, that second one was self-induced)). It can be so easy for me to get snippy and annoyed with my kids which leads to guilt and frustration at myself.

This isn’t helped by teaching two theology courses twice a week (wherein I seem like a lecturer who has it all together, especially in her relationship with Jesus). Fortunately, I’ve been reminded that as a loving parent, God is never annoyed or short with me. Instead of this leading to further guilt, it was a reminder that I don’t have to be perfect to be loved. I feel like every lockdown is a reminder that I am not what I do, and honestly, every lockdown, I needed the reminder.

May you find rest in your belovedness.


Chapel is Back This Week

With classes resuming, we are excited to resume online chapel this week, 28 September. Mark Pierson, from Rhythms of Grace Community Church in Auckland, will be curating our time together. 

Join us on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 959 6201 3223

Weeks 10 and 11 Online

With our move to Alert Level 3, the decision has been made for Semester weeks 10 and 11 (weeks starting 27 September and 4 October) will be delivered FULLY ONLINE via Zoom. Semester weeks 12 through 15 (11 October through to 5 November) will see a return to classes on campus (Alert Level restrictions permitting).

The weeks starting 8 and 15 November remain as the planned study/reading weeks, with some Monday classes having a catch up session on 8 November to account for Labour Day.



If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis and complete an Application for Extension form.

Studylink Applications for 2022 Due 16 December

Applications for student loans are due through Studylink by 16 December. Don't miss this deadline!

If you need extra help during this time you can also find more information about emergency assistance through Studylink. Carey also offers emergency assistance through the Carey student support fund.

Stress counselling and support


This will continue to be an unsettling time, and the uncertainty of COVID-19 can have an impact on our mental wellbeing. We continue to remind staff and students and friends of the college that mental wellbeing is important, and can be supported through accessing a range of the self-help resources. 

If you would like someone to talk to, please be aware of the following free resources available through the Ministry of Health.

While the library remains closed during level 3, they are up and running for click and collect from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Please be in touch if you need any resources to support your studies. 


Open Night 5 October 7:30-9 p.m.

Open Day is now Open Night on Zoom, still with all the same greatness you would expect from our amazing students and staff. View the updated itinerary and encourage your friends to register now!


Loving Father, when Lockdown insecurities surrounds us, help us to be sure that you are God and find peace in knowing that you never change.
Loving Father, when we see our own failings and are tempted to despair, help us to remember the sacrifice of your son Jesus and to find our strength in Him.
Loving Father, when the world seems full of darkness, let your Holy Spirit light the path ahead that we may walk in your way, today. Amen.