Covid-19 Update Friday 17th September - Semester 2 plans

Covid-19 Update Friday 17th September - Semester 2 plans

by Rob Ayres -
Number of replies: 0

Kia ora koutou. With Auckland still at Alert Level 4, and hopefully coming down to Level 3 next week, we wanted to clarify the current plans for teaching through to the end of the year. The safety of our students and staff is our utmost concern, but we are also keen to return to campus once alert levels permit. This is only possible from Alert Level 2 (adhering to MoH and NZQA guidelines). As a result we have made the decision that:

*Semester weeks 10 and 11 (weeks starting 27th September and 4 October) will be delivered FULLY ONLINE via Zoom.
*Semester weeks 12 through 15 (11 October through to 5 November) will see a return to classes on campus (Alert Level restrictions permitting).
*The weeks starting 8 and 15 November remain as the planned study/reading weeks, with some Monday classes having a catch up session on 8th November to account for Labour Day.

Things change quickly, so please keep an eye on CareyOnline for updates and any changes that may be necessary. Keep safe and look out for one another! Kia kaha.