Covid-19 Update 26 August: Block Courses To be Fully Online

Covid-19 Update 26 August: Block Courses To be Fully Online

Rob Ayres發表於
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Kia ora koutou. We trust that you are all doing OK in your respective bubbles and are managing the various changes in your contexts that this ongoing lockdown presents! We know that the government is not due to announce an update on Auckland’s lockdown status until next Monday, however all the indications are that Auckland’s lock down is likely to extend beyond Tuesday 31st and potentially into Carey’s mid-semester break. Restrictions at Alert Level 3 and even level 2 make commencing classes on campus difficult at best, and there is currently no guarantee that we will return to Level 2 by the  mid-semester in time for block courses.

With this in mind, we have made the difficult decision to move ALL block courses scheduled during the mid-semester break (6-24th September) to being fully online. We appreciate this will be disappointing for many of you, however we feel this is the most prudent decision to ensure the safety of all our students and staff. It also gives students clarity and certainty so they can proceed to make arrangements to cancel travel and accommodation that may have been booked.

All block courses will be facilitated online via Zoom and other online activities (primarily via CareyOnline). Please refer to your CareyOnline course for details, your teachers will be in touch shortly with specifics. If you need support and would like someone to talk with, please do not hesitate to connect with any of your teachers, the student support team or contact Neroli ( We pray that you may continue to know the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, and that will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7) as you continue your studies and support others in your bubble. Shalom.