S1 Week 11 @ Carey

S1 Week 11 @ Carey

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Psalm 46 v 10 “step out of the traffic! Take a long loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything” (MSG version)
A walk in a local forest recently… Such a place of incredible beauty, peace…. and stillness!    Despite the craziness and noise in front of us, in the shape of my 10yr old son and his friend, the tranquillity of the setting was actually ‘loud’ enough, to mask any noise that they were making and we genuinely couldn’t hear anything from them. The beauty of the birdsong, the sound of the trees, the distant sound of the waves , and the visual beauty that we were enjoying were all more prominent.

I was reminded…very simply,  that when we deliberately stop, to be in awe of the beauty that is in His stillness,  and in His presence, the surrounding ‘noise’ (busy-ness, worries, concerns etc) lessen and fade. 

Sarah Axford
Administrator, Centre for Lifelong Learning

IT'S MISSION WEEK - Get involved!

with Guest Speaker: Ian McInnes, CEO of Tearfund

How can Kiwis share the feast with people who live daily in great need?

If you can't attend we will be live streaming Chapel.


See you at 12.40pm on Monday and 12.00pm on Tuesday.

Share the Bread of LIfe - Wednesday 12.30pm
Share the feast on Wednesday with a free lunch provided by Tranzsend and Mission Track, and meet people participating in various ways in God's provision of life and hope in Jesus (the Bread of Life). 
How is food being shared with those who need it in your neighbourhood? Pataka kai? School breakfast clubs? Community gardens?
Post your photos, descriptions and video clips to Carey’s Facebook page or Instagram using #sharethefeastcarey and see how our community is sharing the feast.
Bring a can or packet (non-perishable item) to contribute to our kete.

We’ll fill it up over Mission Week and donate it to a local initiative.


Welcome back from our mid-semester study/reading break. Classes have begun again. It was really good to see many of our Post Graduate students here for block courses over the break.


KDon't forget that we have a Carey Students 2021 Facebook group for all current students of Carey. This is a great spot to keep connected if you're a distance student and hear about the latest events, etc. Ask to be invited today.
Facebook Group link


Yes, this part of semester starts to get really busy with assessment deadlines. If you are struggling with those, please feel free to talk with our student support team (Neroli, Tanya, Jordyn, Siong, Carol, Liz) and they can often help you come up with a plan to ensure you hit those key due dates.

If there are legitimate factors that require a extension, they can also help clarify the process around apply for an assessment extension. You don’t have to do this alone!

By now you should all be familiar with the helpful tips in the 10 Essentials on CareyOnline.

Also remember that the Peer Writing Team are available to help you draft and craft your assessments – book a session by contacting the library team.


A reminder that if you have a valid ? reason for needing to request an extension to an assessment due date, fill out the form (CareyOnline – Forms for Students) and return this in advance to Neroli (neroli.hollis@carey.ac.nz).

Invite someone else to begin their own journey of discovering more about God and the bible. 
Share/comment/like our FB Event and help us spread the word.
Here's the page on our website.
Isn't this view spectacular? (meanwhile....back in the office/desk/library.....)
Sandy Kerr and Rachel Roche have been soaking in the spirit, soaking in the hot pools, and soaking up the views this week in Hanmer Springs at the Baptist Hanmer Retreat. 
Library hours during semester time
Monday – Thursday 8:30am-6:30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12:30pm
Mission Week has hit the library. come and check out the tee towels from around the world. Bring yours in to add to the collection. Siong would love it.


Siong needs your help to put the world back together again!! Come and help her out.


Did you know that we have online access to Mission Studies academic journals?