S1 Week 6 @ Carey

S1 Week 6 @ Carey

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I wasn't feasting on camp food over Easter. I headed to Kawerau and found this magical spot walking the Tarawera Falls track, feasting on creation instead (and wishing I was a tad fitter).
I remember being so grateful for the ability to get out and satiate myself in Aotearoa's beauty while thousands around the world are stilled holed up in quarantine, COVID-infested situations. Or they are one of the thousands fleeing Mexico for a 'better life' in the United States.
What did you do over Easter? And did you taste and see that the Lord is good? It's when we celebrate his ultimate goodness in Jesus' death and resurrection, but did you really TASTE it? Did you really SEE it? I hope you did.
I'd love to see the pics of your Easter weekend. Send them via messenger to me and I'll do a collage.

(Oh, this is Kathryn this time smile )

CHAPEL WORSHIP - Forgiveness, Culture, & Feasting

In the chapel service on Tuesday the 13th of April we’ll be worshipping the God of forgiveness. We’ll also explore a few of the ways that interpersonal forgiveness can be outworked in the context of Samoa, Aotearoa, and feasting. A special crew will be assisting Tanya Lameta and Phil Halstead to guide us through the service. We look forward to seeing you there.


See you at 12.40pm on Monday and 12.00pm on Tuesday for the last lunches before the break!!
If the weather's good you could always challenge Sam to volleyball.....


Teaching Week 6 continues on the 12th April with full classes as per normal. The following week is mid-semester study break.
See you next week!


The Diversity Survey finishes next Tuesday, 13th April.
If you haven't had the chance to fill this in please do. It's your chance to share your experience to help improve practices for the whole Carey community. 

Please complete the questionnaire.


Don't forget that there are a bunch of resources available to help you get those assessments finished and across the line!
  • make use of the 10 Essentials on CareyOnline
  • the library and student support team are available
  • Peer writing assistants are there and talk to your lecturers!!
We're all here to help you.


Do you want some support with assignment writing? Do you know about our Peer Writing Assistants? We have a new Peer Writing Assistants (PWAs) team who have volunteered their time to work with students to help them with academic writing and academic literacy.

Talk to the library team or the PWA team if you want to know more about what a PWA can do for you! Thank you Rebecca Pullen, Susanna Denby, Grace Paddison and Jono Edmeades!

The team won’t write your assignment for you ?, but WILL help you with the process of writing and give you feedback on the overall structure of your work. If you would like help with your assessments, you are able to book time with one of our PWA team.

Appointments can be in-person on campus, or online (Zoom etc). For an appointment, please contact the library (NOT the PWA team) as below:
For an extended one-to-one booking (30 minute or 60 minute options) email : library@carey.ac.nz and include:
  • Your name and student ID number
  • Identify which assessment you are focussing on (course, assessment outline)
  • Identify if you want a 30 minute or 60 minute slot
Email the library with your preferred time and you will be given an appointment.  Confirm your appointment time within 48 hours.
If you have questions, feel free to talk with any of the library team.
Library hours during semester time
Monday – Thursday 8:30am-6:30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12:30pm
The recent update of our library catalogue requires everyone to change their password.  When you login to renew or request books, you will be prompted to change your password.
If there is an issue, please contact library staff library@carey.ac.nz


We are having a book sale in the library. Oldies but goodies.
$1 each book.