S1 Week 5B @ Carey - Easter

S1 Week 5B @ Carey - Easter

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Talofa lava,

Oh what a blessing it is for me to have this opportunity to add my voice to the Carey news feeds!  I have just recently joined the Carey team as the new Pasifika student support person and totally loving it!  As mid-semester draws near, I am sure the challenges of meeting due dates and the pressure of busy schedules can seem daunting and overwhelming.  Remember, God is always with you, He is always faithful and there is an amazing student support team located in the Library waiting and willing to help!  Leeessshhhgggoooo!

Written by Tanya Lameta
(see below for more details)
Friday 2 April 2021         Closed
Saturday 3 April 2021     Closed
Sunday 4 April 2021       Closed
Monday 5 April 2021       Closed
Tuesday 6 April 2021      Closed
Wednesday 7 April 2021 onwards, normal hours


There is no chapel worship or lunches this coming week as Carey is closed Easter Monday and Tuesday.


Please note the changes to normal timetables!
Carey is closed Good Friday (2 April), Easter Monday and the following Tuesday (5th 6th April).
Classes continue as normal Monday-Wednesday for the week of 29 March.
There are NO CLASSES scheduled for the week of the 5 April.
Teaching Week 6 continues on the 12 April – with full classes as per normal.
Tanya Lameta BAppTheol, PGDipHSc Pasifika Student Support
Email: tanya.lameta@carey.ac.nz
Ph: 021793447

Tanya's hours are Mondays 9 - 3pm, Tuesday 11 - 2pm and Wednesdays 9am - 3pm
Jordyn Rapana BAppTheol
Māori Student Support
Email: jordyn.rapana@carey.ac.nz
Ph: 02102500072
Jordyn's hours are Mondays 11am - 2pm, Tuesdays 9am - 12pm and Wednesdays 9am - 10.30am


Māori and Pasifika students are important to Carey Baptist diverse and vibrant culture. We value all our students and families, and we are here to help our students thrive in their studies.

Carey Baptist College is committed to enhancing the academic success of Māori and Pasifika students.  We offer academic support available to Māori and Pasifika undergraduate and postgraduate students with our Paihere space. 

Paihere means to unite or bind together and we want to approach study at Carey collaboratively and in the context of supportive community, among both students and staff.  Paihere offers wānanga, fonotaga, small-group learning, individual meetings and academic workshops.  Similar to a ‘village’, Paihere will help connect students with academic teaching staff, Library support and Peer writers to help develop their community of learning. 

Our student support team strive to provide a positive, welcoming campus environment for everyone especially Māori and Pasifika students. 


Do you want some support with assignment writing? Do you know about our Peer Writing Assistants? We have a new Peer Writing Assistants (PWAs) team who have volunteered their time to work with students to help them with academic writing and academic literacy.

Talk to the library team or the PWA team if you want to know more about what a PWA can do for you! Thank you Rebecca Pullen, Susanna Denby, Grace Paddison and Jono Edmeades!

The team won’t write your assignment for you ?, but WILL help you with the process of writing and give you feedback on the overall structure of your work. If you would like help with your assessments, you are able to book time with one of our PWA team.

Appointments can be in-person on campus, or online (Zoom etc). For an appointment, please contact the library (NOT the PWA team) as below:
For an extended one-to-one booking (30 minute or 60 minute options) email : library@carey.ac.nz and include:
  • Your name and student ID number
  • Identify which assessment you are focussing on (course, assessment outline)
  • Identify if you want a 30 minute or 60 minute slot
Email the library with your preferred time and you will be given an appointment.  Confirm your appointment time within 48 hours.
If you have questions, feel free to talk with any of the library team.
To all those who helped with Graduation last Saturday a huge thank you. it was a very special day and you paid it forward until it's your turn smile

Bring me to my knees,
don’t let the words of worship,
fall from my mouth,
without flowing through my heart.
Lead me into a posture of repentance,
and help me to learn more of who you are.
Take me back in time,
to the day you took up your cross.
Let the story of your death, be much more than just a story,
much more than just history.
Never let me forget that you came for the least of these,
for the sinner,
for the one who doesn’t fit,
for the queen and for the slaves
and for everyone in-between.
You, Jesus, are the Lord of all.
The Messiah of the world.
And you are so much more than just a story.

Written by Sarah Buckwell