Welcome to 2021!! News and Information to start study

Welcome to 2021!! News and Information to start study

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A new year and a new semester begins. It is always a pleasure and honour to meet so many of our new students at Orientation, and to hear the sense of call that so may have and are responding to. We all have been called in Christ – I pray that this year, as the Carey community, that we may ALL become more assured of and committed to that call on our lives - and seek to live out that call in obedience and humility.

Relationship was mentioned a lot at Orientation and for good reason. At Carey we believe that learning is a social construct. It happens in community. Diverse communities facilitate broad learning. My ‘te kupu o te wiki’ (word of the week) is “ako”. Ako is the Māori word which implies BOTH learning AND teaching at the same time. They can’t be separated - learning and teaching together in reciprocal relationship. In relationship, as we teach we learn, and as we learn we teach. I am confident that God will continue to speak to each one of us, through each other, as we submit ourselves to His Word and experience ako together.

So, make the effort to connect with your fellow students, make friends, find a “study-buddy” and harness the power and blessing of this learning community we have here at Carey. Get to know your teachers, befriend the student support team, interact with your classmates. Be the “body” that we are designed to be. That is ako.

I look forward to getting to know each of you more during the semester.

Ngā mihi nui.


But who is it for, and what is our part in it?
Jesus has some surprises for theological students …
Matthew 14:13-21

Join us in Chapel each Tuesday as we focus on "tasting and seeing that the Lord is good". Our prayer is that as a community we will move into worship, receiving from God, responding to God to then move out in worship.

Below is the full list of speakers and our Community Formation for this semester.

George Wieland will kick start the year on Tuesday.


(12.30pm Monday | 12pm Tuesday)
Join us on Monday and Tuesday for our Community Lunches. This is a great time to get to know other students and staff while enjoying a delicious lunch together.
Welcome to a new academic year at Carey. We are so pleased that you have chosen to begin/continue studying with us this year and pray that your studies help enrichen and strengthen your relationship with Jesus!

Semester starts on Monday 1 March – Rob and Neroli give you some great advice in this video as well as key pieces of information to help you below.


The student handbook has key information about where to find important information and who to talk to if you have questions about your enrolment, fees, courses or other academic and pastoral support.
A copy can be found on CareyOnline from the homepage.


If you are a new student, Carey has developed a self-directed induction course called First Steps which is available on CareyOnline. All new students are required to complete this course within the first four weeks of semester, and it will cover key aspects of academic literacy, academic writing and important aspects of academic integrity.

This course should appear under My Courses in CareyOnline. If you have any issues accessing the course please talk to any of the library team.


ID cards are available from reception to be collected once your Fees have been paid and your Public Trust form has been signed (both pages) and returned.  Distance students ID cards will be posted out once the $$ and PT forms have been received.


If you are changing your courses you need to fill in a Change of Enrolment form. You can find this under Forms for Students on Careyonline or on the Carey website.


If you are a new student in 2021, you should have received your login information for CareyOnline – Carey’s Learning Management System (LMS) where all of the key course information is stored. If you can’t locate that information or are having trouble logging on to CareyOnline, please contact Neroli Hollis (neroli.hollis@carey.ac.nz).

For weekly taught courses (ie not block courses) the weekly lecture recordings should be posted in the Lecture Recordings section of your CareyOnline course within 48 hours of the onsite class. Please ensure you log on to CareyOnline regularly to check for messages and information from your course teachers.


All new students are required to do the First Steps course on Careyonline. If unsure, please contact library@carey.ac.nz
Library hours during semester time
Monday – Thursday 8:30am-6:30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12:30pm

Distance students:
The librarians are available via Zoom on Thursday 4 March 2021 at 11am-11:30am if you want to ask any questions.
Meeting ID: 976 6967 7169
Graduation is coming up on 27th March. More details are here.