It's that time of semester when we ask YOU students to tell us about your experiences studying at Carey. The Student Course Evaluations for Semester One 2020 are:-
MB6/732 Pentateuch
MB526 Insights into Church History
MB6/724 Humanity and Hope
MB532 Intro to New Testament
MM665 Missional Leadership
MM572 Foundations of Youth Ministry
Intermission: MB430 Exploring God's Word
(we try to spread evaluations out over a 3 year cycle)
These are being sent out through Careyonline by our Academic Registrar (Neroli Hollis) in each particular course and we need you to respond by Tuesday 2 June 2020.
Your feedback helps us know what you like, and to continually improve our courses and programmes, so we would love it if you can spare some time to respond to those evaluations.
Teaching staff will summarise your feedback and respond in the last week of teaching. We will also summarise your feedback and post this to CareyOnline in June.