Technology Access Fund for Learners (TAFL)

Technology Access Fund for Learners (TAFL)

Rob Ayres -

Over the weekend, the Minister of Education announced a new Technology Access Fund for Learners. The purpose of the TAFL is to assist those students whose courses have been disrupted by COVID-19 and have limited or no access to technology-enabled learning. Limited funding is available to support initiatives from 23 March 2020 (the date the move to COVID-19 alert Level 4 was announced) until 31 December 2020, or until all funding is allocated. 

What can TAFL be used for? 

TAFL must be used to directly build learners’ capacity to access technology-enabled tertiary education and training. This can be done by supporting access to: 

1.       Suitable devices which enable students to access technology-enabled learning. (The devices will remain the property of the Carey and will be returned by the learner to Carey when no longer needed for redistribution. Courier costs for provision of the device will be covered by the fund.)

2.       Adequate internet connections to participate in technology-enabled learning. (This may include the provision of mobile data if appropriate. Carey will not continue to pay for a student’s internet connection once they have completed/withdrawn from the course).

3.       Essential operating systems and/or programmes needed to participate in technology-enabled learning; and/or 

4.       Appropriate technical support to help students access technology-enabled learning. 

Application to the Fund

Students may apply directly for funding or be nominated by a Carey staff member. Information provided should include name, ID, programme of study, and a brief description of the particular access need and how it meets the criteria of the fund (150 words). 
Please submit applications/nominations to Chris Berry, Executive Director, by Friday 8 May.

Note: provision is limited so allocation will be determined by clear demonstrated need. Carey reserves the right to prioritise and determine how the funding is allocated and may not be able to fund all applications.