Week 6 @ Carey

Week 6 @ Carey

by Kathryn Heard -
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WEEK 6      
I’ll Be Me, and You Be You

Each year the staff begins the year with a 2 day retreat in Jan/Feb. This year a key focus on day one was personality types, as seen through the lens of the Myers Briggs personality type indicator. It was such a good day together of laughter, learning, and insights about one another and ourselves. Then this week we had a full staff meeting and took the opportunity to use some of the resources and ‘data’ we gained from our retreat to continue thinking a little more about our own strengths and challenges and how we can better relate and work with one another. It turns out John Tucker needs to be careful with how stern his voice is when he talks to me – because my personality type likes to keep things casual! ?
I do find these kinds of ‘tools’ helpful for me to better understand myself. But at times I have seen the results of these tests and personality profiles used as an excuse for bad behaviour. For instance, I know someone who has command as their top strength (from Strength Finders) and they tend to see this as a mandate to be quite bossy, controlling, and occasionally overbearing. I have seen people who are Introverts (Myers Briggs Profile) say that they aren’t really a people person so its OK for them to be rude, to ignore, or to avoid others. And at times I have used my strong ‘P’ tendency (Myers Briggs profile) as a rationalised reason for not starting things when I know I should.
But I wondered if it was worth all of us remembering that no matter what your MBTI profile, top 5 strengths, enneagram, or animal personality type; we are all responsible for how we interact with others and ourselves. So no excuses people, learn more about yourself, and learn how you can be your best self. And, in case you need it – here is something from the Bible that backs me up when it comes to interacting with one another: John 13:34-35.
Sam Kilpatrick | Coach, Youth Pastoral Leadership Training

Sarah Harris will be teaching on Luke 7: 36-50 in Chapel this week.

Come and see what Reti has to say to minister to us.


(12.40pm Monday | 12pm Tuesday)

Join us on Monday and Tuesday for our Community Lunches. This is a great time to get to know other students and staff while enjoying a delicious lunch together.

Wondering what the translation is for our Karakia that is up on the wall in the dining room? Here it is:

Bless this food 
May it nourish our bodies and feed our spirit with the bread of eternal life
Bless our food in Jesus name, Amen.


(Carey Chapel 12.40pm - 1pm)

Jonny Weir, Director of Ministry Training will be leading this time together. This is a time for everyone, staff and students together, to join and pray with one another.
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:17-19


As you get busy with assessments, please keep in mind the range of support option there are. From self-help resources on CareyOnline (10 Essentials), your class teachers, to the wonderful Library team (Siong, Carol and Liz), support for EAL students (Laurie), Māori and Pacific student support (Reti), Post-graduate Māori student support (Sandy)… and to general admin support and chocolate queen (Neroli) – you will find more details in the student handbook (also available on CareyOnline).

Don’t be shy about asking for help. We want to see you flourish in your studies at Carey.

Ngā mihi nui


A reminder that if you have a valid ? reason for needing to request an extension to an assessment due date, fill out the form (CareyOnline – Forms for Students) and return this in advance to Neroli (neroli.hollis@carey.ac.nz).



The library is open normal hours during the mid-semester break. However, the library is closed on Friday 19 April 2019 to Tuesday 23rd April 2019. It re-opens on Wednesday 24th April but is closed on Thursday 25th April.


We have updated a section on referencing and how to submit assignments on CareyOnline.  

A relationship, a bond or a connection


3pm, Saturday 6th April | Manukau City Baptist Church

All are welcome! | More details here

Are you graduating? Download a form here


We're holding our May Open Day on Tuesday 28th May.

How about inviting a friend or family member along to investigate study at Carey?

We have a June intake so they could start their journey this year. It could be dipping their toe in with Thinking Theologically next semester or.....

It kicks off at 8am with our famous Bagel Breakfast. All are welcome.

More details here