GMIM - 3 March 2008

GMIM - 3 March 2008

by Deleted user -
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Paul Windsor writes...


CommunityRussell is the newest member of staff at Carey, taking up the role of Dean of Undergraduate Studies. He has been teaching in Biblical Studies at Pathways College but his background also includes time on staff in Papua New Guinea at Christian Leader's Training College.


Whatever your situation, we're glad to have you join the Carey community in 2008. Our prayer is that this year will be a rewarding one for you wherever you're based. If you're a distance student, feel free to join us on site for a class or worship and lunch - we'd love to see you here.

Thank you to those who joined us at Carey on Friday night for the Orientation Dinner. It was a great evening with people gathered from all areas of the college and even beyond. A great way to kick off the year!CENTRE FOR INTERCULTURAL STUDIES




The Centre is located at the end of the main corridor opposite the Chinese Programme offices.



Access to the offices of Charles Hewlett, Karen Schilperoort and Mike Crudge and to the Level One lecture room is via the back stairs at the end of the admin corridor.

The main stairwell off reception is for access to the Baptist Resource Centre and tranzsend only. If for any reason, you need to meet with any of these staff, please check with reception first.



On Tuesday mornings during teaching weeks and while Formation activities are underway, crèche is offered to those with children under 5 years. 

9:30am - 1pm in the recreation room.



Fees for distance and onsite students are now due! Please ensure that these are paid as soon as possible.

The access card has your photo on it and is multi-purpose acting as your access, ID and library card. Please note: your fees need to be paid in full  and we need your photo before you will receive this card.

Should you have any problems with your access card or if you lose it please see Chris Lucas, situated off reception, or email her on


Dining Room/Chapel (card access only)

8:30am-9:30pm          Monday - Thursday

8:30am-5:00pm          Friday



Main entrance

8:30am-5pm is open access Monday - Friday.

No student access after 5pm.


Back entrance

8:30am-9:30pm          Monday-Thursday

8:30am-5:00pm          Friday



Please keep an eye on your valuables when you are onsite. Lockers are available in the library, where you can store laptops and bags during the day. Keys and sign-up available at reception. Please also avoid leaving valuables in your vehicles.



New students are starting, both on-site and distance. There's so much to get used to, and they've hardly found their way to the classroom or opened the distance study package when they're confronted with "required reading", "careyonline", "assignments". So many questions! But who to ask? Could you be the answer?

This semester we're initiating a peer support system. We're looking for more experienced students who are willing to be available to a new student for perhaps an hour a week through the first semester, to help them through the initial settling in, maybe give a bit of advice on studying, getting through that first assignment, etc. If you are in at least your second year of Carey study, are averaging B or higher, and would like to help somebody else get the most out of their time with Carey, please email me ( and let me know (say whether you'd be able to give on-site or distance peer support).

We hope to have the system up and running within three weeks (i.e. before the first round of assignments!) Thanks Buddies! George Wieland



Saturday 8 March

Carey Baptist College

 9:00am- 4:30pm, $45

Speakers: Eric Swanson (Leadership Community Director for Externally Focused Churches, USA) and Samuel Williams (founder of 'Good Cities' - resource movement of community engagemernt and transformation)


Register at or ph 0800 634 442.



Often people feel disoriented when they start study, especially if they haven't done study at tertiary level before.

To help you with the process Laurie Guy will run two one-hour sessions, one week apart, to help you study successfully. There will be topics like how to read an academic book, how to manage your studies, how to prepare for an assignment, how to write an essay etc. The session will be repeated a second time in the same week to help students who can't get to the other of the times.

The first session will occur next week on Monday 10 March at 1:30pm in Room 2 and will be repeated on Tuesday 11 March at 9am in the chapel. The second session will occur one week later at the same times. Do come if you think the topics could be of help to you.


Are you a full time student and regularly use the bus, ferry or train to get to Carey or around the city?

We have a number of MAXX ID stickers that go on your student ID card which will allow you up to 40% discount of the cost of public transport.

Please see reception for this sticker!



(including Internship Option)

Onsite students need to pick up your course notes from reception this week - you get two copies, one is for your supervisor.

On Wednesday 5th March and Friday 7th March at 1:30pm in the chapel, Mike Crudge will be available to explain the course and answer any questions. you can't make either of these times and have questions, drop in and see Mike or email him at

This semester Mike is onsite Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


Welcome to the library for Semester 1 2008!

Come and enjoy a friendly environment, with books, journals, computers, coffee, newspaper, study carrels, wireless, lockers and study rooms.

1.30pm and 6pm are the times for general Library Orientations. Look forward to seeing you in the library- Lesley, Liz and Damir.


Library Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm

Fridays            9:00am-5:00pm

Saturdays        10:00am-2:30pm




These are located down the main corridor in alphabetical order of surname for onsite students. If your name is not there please see Lidy at reception.




As a non-residential college, we need your help to keep Carey clean and tidy. Over the next week or so, light duties will be assigned to students. There is a sign-up board in the dining room this week where you can put your name to a duty of your choice.

Please do enjoy the site but we would simply ask that you keep tidy the area that you are using, clean up the kitchen after you've used it, and any rubbish you see please do pick up and put in a bin.

Thank you!