
  • Welcome to Carey Baptist College

    It is great to have you as a student. These 10 Essentials resources are designed to give you some practical help in your study. They will provide you with useful guidance on approaching theological study, using your time wisely, researching and writing assignments and a number of other helpful study skills that a student needs to do well at Carey.

    Read these essentials carefully and refer to them often. You will find that they are a useful companion as you immerse yourself in your Carey studies.

    I trust that you enjoy your study at Carey.

    Rob Ayres
    Academic Director

    • This gives a brief introduction and overview of the Carey library and its resources.

    • This gives help with understanding yourself and how best you study, and provides skills in time management, note-taking, and reading.

    • This explains how to write an essay with attention to reading the question, doing the research, and planning the writing process. It also explores the style, structure, format, and content of an essay. There are sample assignments further down the page under a section titled: "Sample Assignments and Other Helpful Info."

    • This is an essential guide to referencing using SBL. It helps with referencing books, commentaries, dictionaries, journal articles, internet citations, and Bible citations. There are also some abbreviations given for books of the bibles and commonly used series and dictionaries.

    • These are links to how to reference different source materials (e.g. books, journal articles, using the SBL referencing guide).

    • This explains how to submit an assignment correctly including information about formatting and adding a cover page, the word count, how to get an extension, what happens with late submission and failed assignments. There is also a guide to how to use the plagiarism report that Carey uses – Turnitin.  This document also helps you to know where to see your assignment grades and view marker feedback.

    • This is a guide for how to cite Greek and Hebrew words in an assignment. It gives information for undergraduate and masters level.

    • This helps understand the importance of using gender neutral language in assignments, explaining Carey’s policy and procedure around this.

    • This document gives good tips for how to improve your essay writing skills.

    • This document covers all you need to know about the Pastoral Care Code and how to access help in this area.

  • Sample Assignments and Other Helpful Info

  • First Steps Resource Videos

    Many of the resource videos from our First Steps course are available here. View them to learn more about the library, searching for books and articles, referencing, and more.

  • e-Learning Resources

  • How to Write an Essay Workshop and Resources