
CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S2 Week 12

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Life can get overwhelmingly busy with assignments, work, and family commitments, leaving little room to just pause and breathe. It's crucial, though, to find moments for reflection and to consider the lessons learned and how you have grown this semester. Remember to breathe deeply, relax often, and get things done. If you're feeling overwhelmed, our staff is here to support you every step of the way. So just reach out.

Coffee, Cake, and Convo Location CHANGE

Just a heads up that our Monday community time with coffee and cake will take place in the library mezzanine on Monday, NOT the wharekai.

Reminder about Due Dates and Extensions—Plan Ahead!

This is just a friendly reminder to check the due dates for assessments, and plan accordingly.

Assessments handed in up to one week after the due date are marked with 10% late penalty; assessments handed in between 7-14 days are marked pass/fail. Assessments handed in after the two-week period normally are not marked and receive a fail grade. So, be on time!

If you need an extension, please talk to your teacher and Neroli, and complete an
application for an extension.

It’s Niuean Language Week!

Next week is Niuean Language Week in Aotearoa, and we are celebrating Vagahau Niue! The 2024 theme for Niue Language Week is 'Leveki mo e Feaki e Vagahau Niue ma Anoiha - Protect and Nurture Vagahau Niue for the Future'.

As a special treat, the wonderful Siale (pictured above) will be cooking food for us on Tuesday, so don’t miss that if you are on campus. While you’re at it, take a look at some of these Niuean phrases to use at lunch next week.

The Library

Stop in or email the library for anything you need. Also, they have an awesome Niuean Language Week display set up. But, if you need help with your assessments or gathering resources, come see them.

Library hours

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 6.30pm
Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm

Library tip—word count

If you want to know what your word count is for an assignment in Microsoft Word, but you don’t want to include the footnotes, click on the Review tab at the top of the tool bar. Then, select “word count,” and untick the box that says “Include textboxes, footnotes and endnotes.” The number that shows will only include the main text.

Course evaluations—what do you think?

We regularly gather feedback for courses across our qualifications. Not all courses are evaluated every semester, but evaluations are open for the following courses:


Learning to Live
Faith Engaging Social Issues


Biblical Narrative
Faith Formation
I Corinthians

Post Graduate

Human Flourishing
Leading in the Footsteps of Jesus and
Research Methods

You will find the link to the evaluations in your respective Course Announcements forum. Surveys will close Thursday, 17 October at 4pm. Please make completing these a priority.

SENDing 2024

SENDing is a special time in the life of many of our students. Each year, we celebrate and send (hence, the name) our graduating Intermissioners, Youth Pastoral Leadership students, and Pastoral Leadership students.

It’s pretty epic, and you’re invited to come along. Also, we will be celebrating our beloved Principal, John Tucker, who will be moving on from his role at the end of the year.

Here are the details:

When: Saturday, 19 October 2024 at 7pm
Where: Māngere Bridge Baptist Church

Check out our Facebook event for more details and to let us know you’re coming.

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CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S2 Week 11

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Join the “support peloton”

Lectures are in full swing, and it may seem like the path to the finish line is difficult and far off. But, did you know, there is a massive support group around you to help you finish strong? In cycling, racers strategically stick in a group, called a peloton, to reduce resistance and draft off of one another. In this group, it’s easier to ride at speed together because you are sharing the load. Carey has a sort of “support peloton” to help you.

There’s the 10 Essentials, a collection of invaluable resources to help you with all things assessment-related. You can also talk with our Library staff, talk to Denise, Jarrahmal, and Jacqui in Student Support. You can reach out to your teachers, or schedule a time with a Peer Writing Assistant, or contact any of our staff if you hit a wall or are feeling like you can’t move on.

Take care of yourself, and go for a walk or an actual bike ride every now and then. We’re here for you, and you can do it!

2025 Enrolment

Also, if you’re wanting to explore taking courses in 2025, give Neroli a shout!

Reminder about Due Dates and Extensions—Plan Ahead!

This is just a friendly reminder to check the due dates for assessments, and plan accordingly.

Assessments handed in up to one week after the due date are marked with 10% late penalty; assessments handed in between 7-14 days are marked pass/fail. Assessments handed in after the two-week period normally are not marked and receive a fail grade. So, be on time!

If you need an extension, please talk to your teacher and Neroli, and complete an
application for an extension.

Important Studylink deadline

If you're planning on studying in 2025, 16 December is a very important date. Even though it seems far away, it's one you just can't miss. Applying for your student allowance or loan before 16 December gives you the best chance of having everything sorted and ready for the start of your course in 2025.

If you’ve had a student allowance or loan in the last 12 months, login to MyStudyLink and use the Returning Application to apply. It'll take less than five minutes!

The Library

Stop in or email the library for anything you need, because Anna, Mei Ling, and Siong are the most amazing folks around. If you need help with your assessments or gathering resources, come see them.

Library hours

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 6.30pm
Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm

Referencing Cheat Sheet

If you still haven’t stumbled across the referencing cheat sheet to help you with SBL referencing in your assignments, you’re gonna want to see how amazing it is. Check out the Referencing Cheat Sheet now!

Know someone who would thrive here?

Tuesday, 8 October from 7.30-8.45pm is Carey’s Online Open Evening. If you are on campus, we encourage you to take a minute and welcome anyone new and share with them how awesome Carey is!

If you love Carey, why not invite a mate along so they can experience what you have?

2025 proposed Student Services Fee

The Student Services Fee (click this link for some FAQs) is a non-tuition fee that is charged to students enrolled at Carey. The funds received by Carey from the fee can only be spent on student services. So, that means it’s entirely FOR students. But, we need to hear from you! Each year, we request student feedback on the Student Services Fee before it is finalised. This is in compliance with guidelines set out by the Tertiary Education Commission, but we also really care about what you have to say.

Take a look at the 2025 Proposed Student Services Fee, which outlines where the funds will be spent and heaps of other details.

Please review the document and provide feedback to Tim Sze ( by Friday, 11 October 2024. You can also talk directly to Tim or Torin if you see them around campus.

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