
CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S2 Week 7

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Studying and Reading

We're through the first of our Study and Reading weeks, which continue through week 9 (ending Friday, 20 September). As a reminder, normal lectures will not take place until week 10, beginning Monday, 23 September. Weekly karakia and community lunch will not take place until week 10 also. Library hours will remain the same.

Assessment Support

As you're working hard on assessments, our staff will continue to be available to support you as usual. So feel free to reach out to Denise, Jarrahmal, Siong, Mei Ling, and Anna in the library. Keep up the good work!

Also, you can reach out to the library to connect with Moana, our Peer Writing Assistant if you need some insight on your work.

And don't forget about the
10 Essentials found on CareyOnline. Need help with referencing? Using Greek and Hebrew? Want some sample essays to review? The 10 Essentials have them all!

CGS Research Conference

Every year, Carey Graduate School students and faculty share their research at this stimulating, one-day event. Paper presentations cover a wide range of topics relevant to the church in Aotearoa and across the world. And guess what… you’re invited to come along!

When: Thursday, 19 September from 9am-5pm
Where: Carey Baptist College Campus

Lunch, morning tea, and afternoon tea will be provided, so please register for catering purposes.

The Library

The library team are keeping their normal hours over the Study and Reading weeks. Stop in or email the library for anything you need.

Library Hours

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 6.30pm
Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm

Library Tip: Title Search

If you know the title of the resource you want to find, select “Title” from the drop-down menu (default is “Keyword”) to get your result more quickly. See below:

Carey Open events

Tuesday, 1 October from 9am-3pm is Open Day at Carey. If you are on campus, we encourage you to take a minute and welcome anyone new and share with them how awesome Carey is!

If you love Carey, why not invite a mate along so they can experience what you have? Also, Online Open Evening is Tuesday, 8 October from 7.30-8.45pm. You can tell your friends about our Online Open Evening too, ya know?

Photo models needed

We are updating Carey's prospectus for 2025 and need some new images of students journeying together. If you are available on Monday, 9 September and/or Tuesday, 10 September from 10am to 12pm and comfortable being photographed, please email

Pizza lunch will be provided!

2025 Timetables

The timetables for next year are up on our website. Give them a look to see what’s coming when for semesters one and two 2025. Keep in mind, these are indicative only at this point, so some dates and times may change. Here are the 2025 timetables!

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CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S2 Week 6

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Study and Reading Weeks

This week brings us to the Study and Reading weeks, which means no lectures for most of you. But, hopefully, this time will allow you all can gain a little perspective. You'll likely be working hard on assessments and maybe even getting ahead on ones to come! But we hope you can also take time to let the content you are learning about from your lectures take root and transform you. As you work, we pray you grow closer to Jesus and learn to embrace the calling he has placed on your life.

Lectures are on hiatus until week 10, but there are a couple block courses happening on-site:

  • Faith Formation in Children: 9-13 September
  • Research Methods in Applied Theology: 16-18 September (followed by the CGS Research Conference on 19 September)

Assessment Support

As you are working, you may come to a point where you need a bit of help. Don't worry, because support is never far off. The library team are keeping normal hours, and Denise, Jarrahmal, and Jacqui are available to chat and help as well.

Don't forget about the
10 Essentials found on CareyOnline. These are invaluable resources that can make a massive difference as you complete your work, and they are a great place to start!

Also, if you feel like you may need an extension, complete this Application for Extension form and send it to Neroli.

CGS Research Conference

Every year, Carey Graduate School students and faculty share their research at this stimulating, one-day event. Paper presentations cover a wide range of topics relevant to the church in Aotearoa and across the world. And guess what… you’re invited to come along!

When: Thursday 19 September from 9am-5pm
Where: Carey Baptist College Campus

Lunch, morning, and afternoon tea will be provided, so please register for catering purposes.

The Library

The library team are keeping their normal hours over the Study and Reading weeks. Stop in or email the library for anything you need.

Library Hours

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 6.30pm
Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm

How to view marker feedback

Did you know that your lecturers provide feedback on your assessments? Not just a number grade, but actual comments? More than that, these comments provide you with constructive feedback that you can use to help crush your future work. Check out this video to see how to access this critical feedback of your work!

Photo models needed

We are updating Carey's prospectus for 2025 and need some new images of students journeying together. If you are available on Monday, 9 September and/or Tuesday, 10 September from 10am to 12pm and comfortable being photographed, please email

Pizza lunch will be provided!

No karakia or community lunch

There is no karakia, no community lunches, and no cake on Monday during the Study and Reading weeks. We will see you again on 24 September!

Karakia recordings for all our students

Don’t forget to check out the recordings for karakia if you’ve missed any or want to hear them again.

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