SBL Referencing Guide
SBL Referencing Guide
Journal Article (SBL Handbook 6.3.1-2)
Magazine Article (SBL Handbook 6.3.9)
Book Review, with and without a title (SBL Handbook 6.3.4)
Newspaper article, with and without an author.
Book with One Author (SBL Handbook 6.2.1)
Book with one Editor (SBL Handbook 6.2.6)
Book with Two or Three Authors (SBL Handbook 6.2.2)
Book with Two or Three Editors (SBL Handbook 6.2.7)
Book with more than Three Authors (SBL Handbook 6.2.3)
Book with more than Three Editors (SBL Handbook 6.2.8)
Author & Editor (SBL Handbook 6.2.9)
Author & Translator (SBL Handbook 6.2.4, 6.2.10)
Author, Editor, & Translator (SBL Handbook 6.2.10)
Revised Edition of a Book (SBL Handbook 6.2.16)
Edition of a Book, other than the 1st (SBL Handbook 6.2.16)
Book with Multiple Publishers (SBL Handbook 6.2.15)
Chapter in an Edited Book (SBL Handbook 6.2.12)
Chapter in Multivolume Work (SBL Handbook 6.2.22)
Chapter in Titled Volume in Multivolume Work (SBL Handbook 6.2.23)
Commentary (SBL Handbook 6.2.1, 6.4.9)
Commentary series/numbered series (SBL Handbook 6.4.9)
Multi-volume commentary (SBL Handbook 6.2.20)
Edited commentary, individual biblical book (SBL Handbook 6.2.12)
New Interpreter’s Bible (SBL Handbook 6.3.6)
Dictionary (SBL Handbook 6.3.6-7)
Encyclopaedia (SBL Handbook 6.3.6-7)
Lexicon or Theological Dictionary (SBL Handbook 6.3.7)
Thesis or Dissertation - Unpublished (SBL Handbook 6.3.5)
Electronic Journals Articles, doi/URL (SBL Handbook 6.3.10)
Websites/Blogs, author known and unknown (SBL Handbook 6.4.15)
Newspaper Article from a website.
eBook, Kindle/Nook (SBL Handbook 6.2.25)
eBook from Internet, doi/URL (SBL Handbook 6.2.25)
Paper Presented at a Professional Society Meeting (SBL Handbook 6.3.8)
Printed/online lecture notes/handouts.
Personal communication, interviews, emails and letters.
Journal Article (SBL Handbook 6.3.1-2)
Myk Habets, “The Holy Spirit as Bond in Calvin’s Thought: Its Functions in Connection with the extra Calvinisticum,” IJST 17 (2015): 240-243, 240.
Habets, “The Holy Spirit as Bond in Calvin’s Thought,” 241.
Habets, Myk. “The Holy Spirit as Bond in Calvin’s Thought: Its Functions in Connection with the extra Calvinisticum.” IJST 17 (2015): 240-243.
Magazine Article (SBL Handbook 6.3.9)
Elesha Gordon, “A Prophecy in Paint,” Baptist 135.3 (2019): 10-11, 10.
Gordon, “A Prophecy in Paint,” 11.
Gordon, Elesha. “A Prophecy in Paint.” Baptist 135.3 (2019): 10-11.
Book Review, with and without a title (SBL Handbook 6.3.4)
Fran Porter, “The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theology,” review of The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theology. Mary McClintock Fulkerson and Sheila Briggs eds. JEBS 19 (Spring 2019): 157-159.
Porter, review of The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theology (by Fulkerson and Briggs), 158.
Porter, Fran. “The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theology.” Review of The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theology. Mary McClintock Fulkerson and Sheila Briggs eds. JEBS 19 (Spring 2019): 157-159.
Francis M. Macatangay, review of Jesus in John’s Gospel: Structure and Issues in Johannine Christology, by William Loader, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 82 (April 2020): 324-326.
Macatangay, review of Jesus in John’s Gospel (by Loader), 325.
Macatangay, Francis M. Review of Jesus in John’s Gospel: Structure and Issues in Johannine Christology, by William Loader. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 82 (April 2020): 324-326.
Newspaper article, with and without an author
Lincoln Tan, “Buffets back and booming,” New Zealand Herald, November 3, 2020.
Tan, “Buffets back and booming.”
Bibliography (not included)
“Art of battling bush fires,” New Zealand Herald, November 3, 2020.
“Art of battling bush fires.”
Bibliography (not included)
Book with One Author (SBL Handbook 6.2.1)
Walter Brueggemann, The Word that Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006), 50.
Brueggemann, The Word that Redescribes the World, 69.
Brueggemann, Walter. The Word that Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006.
Book with one Editor (SBL Handbook 6.2.6)
Robert Banks, ed., Private Values and Public Policy: The Ethics of Decision-making in Government Administration (Homebush West, NSW: Lancer Books, 1993).
Banks, Private Values, 65.
Banks, Robert, ed. Private Values and Public Policy: The Ethics of Decision-making in Government Administration. Homebush West, NSW: Lancer Books, 1993.
Book with Two or Three Authors (SBL Handbook 6.2.2)
Mikeal C. Parsons and Martin M. Culy, Acts: A Handbook on the Greek Text (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2003), 11-13.
Parsons and Culy, Acts, 18.
Parsons, Mikeal C. and Martin M. Culy. Acts: A Handbook on the Greek Text. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2003.
Book with Two or Three Editors (SBL Handbook 6.2.7)
Kenneth R. Ross, Francis D. Alvarez and Todd M. Johnson, eds. Christianity in East and Southeast Asia (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020), 112-115.
Ross, Alvarez and Johnson, Christianity in East and Southeast Asia, 125.
Ross, Kenneth R., Francis D. Alvarez and Todd M. Johnson, eds. Christianity in East and Southeast Asia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
Book with more than Three Authors (SBL Handbook 6.2.3)
James Professor et al., All There is to Know about Theology (Someplace: Publishers, 2000), 53.
Professor et al., All There is to Know about Theology, 42.
Professor, James, Susan Smith, Jane Doe, and Mark Brown. All There is to Know about Theology. Someplace: Publishers, 2000.
Book with more than Three Editors (SBL Handbook 6.2.8)
James Professor et al., eds., Other People Writing about Theology, 2nd ed., (Someplace: Publishers, 2000), 53.
Professor et al., Other People Writing about Theology, 9.
Professor, James, Susan Smith, Jane Doe, and Mark Brown, eds. Other People Writing about Theology, 2nd ed. Someplace: Publishers, 2000.
Author & Editor (SBL Handbook 6.2.9)
Steven J. Lawson, Psalms 76-150, ed. Max Anders (Nashville: Holman Reference, 2006), 254.
Lawson, Psalms 76-150, 269.
Lawson, Steven J. Psalms 76-150. Edited by Max Anders. Nashville: Holman Reference, 2006.
Author & Translator (SBL Handbook 6.2.4, 6.2.10)
Karl Barth, Ethics, trans. Geoffrey W. Bromiley (New York: Seabury, 1981), 29-31.
Barth, Ethics, 56.
Barth, Karl. Ethics. Translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley. New York: Seabury, 1981.
Author, Editor, & Translator (SBL Handbook 6.2.10)
Friedrich Henkel, Fairly Obscure Theology, ed. Hans Blinkhof, trans. Sarah Smith (Hamburg: Publisher, 2017), 40.
Henkel, Fairly Obscure Theology, 51.
Henkel, Friedrich. Fairly Obscure Theology. Edited by Hans Blinkhof. Translated by Sarah Smith. Hamburg: Publisher, 2017.
Revised Edition of a Book (SBL Handbook 6.2.16)
Gary R. Collins, Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide, rev. ed. (Dallas: Word, 1998), 3.
Collins, Christian Counseling, 10.
Collins, Gary R. Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide. Rev. ed. Dallas: Word, 1998.
Edition of a Book, other than the 1st (SBL Handbook 6.2.16)
R. H. Gundry, A Survey of the New Testament, 4th ed. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003), 281.
Gundry, Survey, 281.
Gundry, R. H. A Survey of the New Testament. 4th ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
Book with Multiple Publishers (SBL Handbook 6.2.15)
Chris Bruno, Jared Compton and Kevin McFadden, Biblical Theology According to the Apostles: How the Earliest Christians Told the Story of Israel (London: Apollos; Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2020), 45-60.
Bruno, Compton and McFadden, Biblical Theology According to the Apostles, 407.
Bruno, Chris, Jared Compton and Kevin McFadden. Biblical Theology According to the Apostles: How the Earliest Christians Told the Story of Israel. London: Apollos; Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2020.
Chapter in an Edited Book (SBL Handbook 6.2.12)
George Wieland, “We Love Mission,” in What We Love: Reflections on Ministry, Leadership and Mission: A Tribute to Charles Hewlett, eds. Myk Habets and John Tucker (Auckland: Archer Press, 2017), 83-88, 85.
Wieland, “We Love Mission,” 85.
Wieland, George. “We Love Mission.” Pages 83-88 in What We Love: Reflections on Ministry, Leadership and Mission: A Tribute to Charles Hewlett. Edited by Myk Habets and John Tucker. Auckland: Archer Press, 2017.
Chapter in Multivolume Work (SBL Handbook 6.2.22)
Bradley J. Bitner, “Mixed-Language Inscribing at Roman Corinth,” in The First Urban Churches 2: Roman Corinth, eds. James Harrison and L. L. Welborn (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016), 2:185-218.
Bitner, “Mixed-Language Inscribing at Roman Corinth,” 214.
Bitner, Bradley J. “Mixed-Language Inscribing at Roman Corinth.” Pages 185-218 in vol. 2 of The First Urban Churches. Edited by James Harrison and L. L. Welborn. Atlanta: SBL Press , 2016.
Chapter in Titled Volume in Multivolume Work (SBL Handbook 6.2.23)
David Peterson, “The Motif of Fulfilment and the Purpose of Luke-Acts,” in The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting, ed. Bruce W. Winter and Andrew D. Clarke, vol. 1 of The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting, ed. Bruce W. Winter (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993), 83–104.
Peterson, “Motif of Fulfilment,” 92.
Peterson, David. “The Motif of Fulfilment and the Purpose of Luke-Acts.” Pages 83–104 in The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting. Edited by Bruce W. Winter and Andrew D. Clarke. Vol. 1 of The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting. Edited by Bruce W. Winter. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993.
Commentary (SBL Handbook 6.2.1, 6.4.9)
Brendan Byrne, Galatians and Romans (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2010), 133.
Byrne, Galatians and Romans, 134.
Byrne, Brendan. Galatians and Romans. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2010.
Commentary series/numbered series (SBL Handbook 6.4.9)
Joel B. Green, The Gospel of Luke, NICNT (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997), 68.
Green, The Gospel of Luke, 69.
Green, Joel B. The Gospel of Luke. NICNT. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997.
Craig A. Evans, Mark 8:27-16:20, WBC 34B (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001), 369.
Evans, Mark 8:27-16:20, 177.
Evans, Craig A. Mark 8:27-16:20. WBC 34B. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001.
Multi-volume commentary (SBL Handbook 6.2.20)
Craig S. Keener, Acts: An Exegetical Commentary, 4 vols., (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012-2015), 3: 2223.
Keener, Acts, 2: 1096.
Keener, Craig S. Acts: An Exegetical Commentary. 4 vols. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012-2015.
Edited commentary, individual biblical book (SBL Handbook 6.2.12)
Bruce K. Waltke, “Micah,” in The Minor Prophets, ed. Thomas Edward McComiskey (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1993), 591-764, 635.
Waltke, “Micah,” 635.
Waltke, Bruce K. “Micah.” Pages 591-764 in The Minor Prophets. Edited by Thomas Edward McComiskey. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1993.
New Interpreter’s Bible (SBL Handbook 6.3.6)
R. Alan Culpepper, “The Gospel of Luke: Introduction, Commentary, and Reflections,” NIB 9:68.
Culpepper, “The Gospel of Luke,” 365.
Culpepper, R. Alan. “The Gospel of Luke: Introduction, Commentary, and Reflections.” NIB 9:3-490.
Dictionary (SBL Handbook 6.3.6-7)
John A. Dennis, “Death of Jesus,” DJG, 2nd ed., 172-193, 181.
Dennis, “Death of Jesus,” 182.
Green, Joel B., Jeannine K. Brown and Nicholas Perrin, eds. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. 2nd edition. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2013.
Encyclopaedia (SBL Handbook 6.3.6-7)
Bruno, Centrone, "Pythagoras," ER 11:7528-29.
Centrone, "Pythagoras," 11:7530-31.
Jones, Lindsay, ed. Encyclopedia of Religion. 2nd ed.; Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005.
Lexicon or Theological Dictionary (SBL Handbook 6.3.7)
Krister Stendahl, “Disciples,” TDNT 2:418-432, 418.
Stendahl, “Disciples,” 419.
Kittel, Gerhard, and Gerhard Friedrich, eds. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley. 10 vols. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1964-1976.
Thesis or Dissertation - Unpublished (SBL Handbook 6.3.5)
Diane T. Smith, “Poverty in Mark” (PhD diss., The Fictional Graduate School, 2015), 24.
Smith, “Poverty in Mark,” 23.
Smith, Diane T. “Poverty in Mark.” PhD diss., The Fictional Graduate School, 2015.
Electronic Journals Articles, doi/URL (SBL Handbook 6.3.10)
Chwi-Woon Kim, “Reading the Book of Habakkuk through a Lens of Cultural Trauma,” JSOT 45 (December 2020): 217–235,
Kim, “Reading the Book of Habakkuk through a Lens of Cultural Trauma,” 220.
Kim, Chwi-Woon. “Reading the Book of Habakkuk through a Lens of Cultural Trauma.” JSOT 45 (December 2020): 217–235.
Myk Habets, “Jesus, the Spirit, and the Unforgivable Sin: A Contribution from Spirit Christology,” Journal of Theological Interpretation 12 (2018): 39-57,
Habets, “Jesus, the Spirit, and the Unforgivable Sin: A Contribution from Spirit Christology,” 37.
Habets, Myk. “Jesus, the Spirit, and the Unforgivable Sin: A Contribution from Spirit Christology.” Journal of Theological Interpretation 12 (2018): 39-57,
Websites/Blogs, author known and unknown (SBL Handbook 6.4.15)
Kirby Anderson, “Wealth,” Probe Ministries,
Anderson, “Wealth.”
Anderson, Kirby. “Wealth.” Probe Ministries. poverty/.
“Title of page,” Name of organization hosting the page, URL.
“Title of page.”
“Name of page.” Name of organization hosting the page. URL.
Mark Goodacre, “Jesus’ Wife Fragment: Another Round-Up,” NT Blog, 9 May 2014,
Goodacre, “Jesus’ Wife Fragment.”
Bibliography (not listed)
Newspaper Article from a website
“US presidential election 2020: Today's four likely scenarios,” New Zealand Herald, November 4, (2020),
“US presidential election 2020: Today's four likely scenarios.”
Bibliography (not listed)
eBook, Kindle/Nook (SBL Handbook 6.2.25)
Jacob L. Wright, David, Kind of Israel, and Caleb in Biblical Memory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), Kindle edition, ch. 3, “Introducing David.”
Wright, David, King of Israel, ch. 5, “Evidence from Qumran.”
Wright, Jacob L. David, King of Israel, and Caleb in Biblical Memory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Kindle edition.
Jacob L. Wright, David, King of Israel, and Caleb in Biblical Memory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), Nook edition, ch. 3.2.
Wright, David, King of Israel, ch. 5.4.
Wright, Jacob L. David, King of Israel, and Caleb in Biblical Memory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Nook edition.
eBook from Internet, doi/URL (SBL Handbook 6.2.25)
For EPUB and other formats without stable page numbers.
Ann E. Killebrew and Margreet Steiner, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant: c. 8000–332 BCE (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), ch 6. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199212972.001.0001.
Killebrew and Steiner, Archaeology of the Levant, ch 4.
Killebrew, Ann E. and Margreet Steiner, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant: c. 8000–332 BCE. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199212972.001.0001.
For PDF format with page numbers.
Stephen Kaufman. The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic, AS 19 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1974), 16, pdf/as19.pdf.
Kaufman, Akkadian Influences on Aramaic, 123.
Kaufman, Stephen. The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic. AS 19. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1974.
Electronic Journals Articles, doi/URL (SBL Handbook 6.3.10)
Chwi-Woon Kim, “Reading the Book of Habakkuk through a Lens of Cultural Trauma,” JSOT, 45 (December 2020): 217–235,
Kim, “Reading the Book of Habakkuk through a Lens of Cultural Trauma,” 220.
Kim, Chwi-Woon. “Reading the Book of Habakkuk through a Lens of Cultural Trauma.” JSOT, 45 (December 2020): 217–235.
Myk Habets, “Jesus, the Spirit, and the Unforgivable Sin: A Contribution from Spirit Christology,” Journal of Theological Interpretation 12 (2018): 39-57,
Habets, “Jesus, the Spirit, and the Unforgivable Sin: A Contribution from Spirit Christology,” 37.
Habets, Myk. “Jesus, the Spirit, and the Unforgivable Sin: A Contribution from Spirit Christology.” Journal of Theological Interpretation 12 (2018): 39-57,
Corporate author/Reports
Department of Corrections, Managing Offender Health, 2014,
Department of Corrections. Managing Offender Health, 2014.">
Ministry of Education, The Arts in the New Zealand Curriculum (Wellington: Learning Media, 2000), 57.
Ministry of Education. The Arts in the New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington: Learning Media, 2000.
Paper Presented at a Professional Society Meeting (SBL Handbook 6.3.8)
Susan Bloggs, "How to reserve a book in the library" (paper presented at the annual meeting of the New Zealand region of Librarians, Auckland, 25 March 2018), 13-17.
Bloggs, "How to reserve a book in the library," 19.
Bloggs, Susan. "How to reserve a book in the library." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the New Zealand region of Librarians, Auckland, 25 March 2018.
Printed/online lecture notes/handouts
Sarah Harris, “Nicodemus and the Unnamed Samaritan Woman” (lecture notes, Carey Baptist College, Auckland, March 17, 2020).
Harris, “Nicodemus and the Unnamed Samaritan Woman.”
Harris, Sarah. “Nicodemus and the Unnamed Samaritan Woman.” Lecture notes, Carey Baptist College, Auckland, March 17, 2020.
Christa McKirland, “Christology: Some Major Challenges” (Lecture delivered at Carey Baptist College, Auckland, July 28, 2020).
McKirland, “Christology: Some Major Challenges.”
Bibliography (not listed)
Personal communication, interviews, emails and letters
Jenny Student, email message to author, September 2, 2019.
Student, email.
Bibliography (not listed)
Jacinda Ardern, interview by Sam Smith, May 3, 2010. (If the transcript is publicly available, these details can be included)
Bibliography (not listed)